Splash Landing
Uh oh, that guy looks like trouble!
As I mentioned last week, I’ll be taking a break from updating the comic for a while. I plan to start regular updates again in January. I know that’s a while away, but you can always follow me on social media like twitter, instagram or facebook. I also plan to still have holiday comics this year! Anyway, I appreciate your readership as always and I’ll see y’all next year!
Also! It’s about time I showed off some really cool fan art I got recently! These are all from cool people on twitter! Click the thumbnail to see the full pic!
by @Joshnickerson83 (twitter.com/joshnickerson83)
by @waffledog (twitter.com/waffledog)
by @jessaberg (twitter.com/jessaberg)
by @heroinstitute (twitter.com/heroinstitute)
by @EeyorbStudios (twitter.com/EeyorbStudios)
by @polyJuan_ (twitter.com/polyJuan_)
by @rub3al3xand3r (twitter.com/rub3al3xand3r)
The taste is a surprise!