Taste One To Know One
I’ve actually never had a fluffernutter sandwich before. Even still, I’m 100% positive this is a recipe for cereal of some sort.
I’ve actually never had a fluffernutter sandwich before. Even still, I’m 100% positive this is a recipe for cereal of some sort.
I honestly think the pun in the title is your best joke yet.
Then I must have broken the Humor Barrier, because everything else I’ve written has been at 100% Funniness.
I’m not convinced Theo could tell the difference between a sandwich and a bowl of cereal, PERIOD.
Yeah, Theo, that’s just the diabetes finally reaching your eyes.
Hey, is Theo’s name supposed to mean something? Like a reference to how he practically worships Crunchy Bunches, or to theobromine/theobroma?
Hmmm… yes? Or more accurately, no. I heard the name one time and just went with it. Seemed to fit somehow.