First Officer Theo
I always liked going fishing, it was fun to try catching something even though I never really wanted to bring a fish home or eat it or anything. It was just the thrill of the hunt, I guess. As a kid I remember always using these things:
I still have no idea why a fish would want a stinky neon marshmallow, but maybe that’s their Lucky Charms equivalent.
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Das boot.
size nein
I just laughed the hardest I have in a month. Thank you.
As a kid I found out that fish go ‘nanners for rainbow sherbet. Of course, good luck getting it on a hook. Used to just take a spoonful and catapult it out into the water and watch the fish swarm it. Like feeding ducks. Which consequently, I also learned don’t like ham slices.
I miss learning things…
That must be why they’re called rainbow trout. all that sherbet.