-CRUNCHY BUNCHES will be going on HIATUS-

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought recently, because I normally like to stick to a consistent schedule with this comic and have only taken brakes from it during it’s anniversary in September- but I feel that I need to put Crunchy Bunches on hiatus for a few weeks, possibly months. Basically, I’ve been trying to juggle a few other responsibilities in life with this comic and have been crunching (no pun intended) on it harder than usual to keep up with the weekly updates. It’s been causing some burn out on my part, as well as lower quality comics.

Sorry to disappoint my readers out there, but I hope you can understand! I’ll be back eventually with more of the story when I feel like I’m in a better place to devote more time to the comic. If you’re a patron, I’ll be suspending the billing cycle until the comic resumes.

Thanks for being a reader, and if you want you can always follow me on the social medias like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr.