Wow, today’s comic marks the 150th page of Crunchy Bunches! That’s 1050 comics in dog years! Great Caesar’s Ghost!
This is also the month I started the comic in, and September 24th will be the 3rd year of Munchy & Company’s adventures. That’s 1.47 in Tortoise years! Probably!
Anyway, I’m glad you’ve all stuck with the comic for this long. The comments you all leave are always fun to read! So thanks!
This is the time of year I usually like to take a temporary hiatus from updating the comic, to build up more buffer and hopefully squeeze in a little free time. So, Crunchy Bunches will be back again in 3 weeks, on October 11th. In the mean time, I’ll be on my Twitter, or posting some stuff to Tumblr, and you can find links to those at the top of the site.
Ah, a short break to level grind before the final dungeon raid. Benton won’t know what hit him!
Theo is just a few levels away from learning Thundaga.
Crunch Fortress sounds cooler anyway.
Crunch Castle would sound even better.
and Crunch Hiz-ouse sounds the coolest of all.
Congrats on 150 pages of awesome :D See you in 3 weeks!
Thanks! It’s the Mewtwo anniversary!
Hey congrats on the 3 years buddy! Enjoy your break and I’m looking forward to more when you get back!